
Thursday, December 5, 2019


Here are three similes that we had to think of in class (This wasn’t my idea) .

She can jump as high as a kangaroo.

He ate his dinner faster than a hungry elephant.

They went as fast as the speed of light.

(Yes, I know that this is quite short)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Short History of Music

On Tuesday June the second of two thousand and nineteen me and my class did some research on music and decided to create a timeline on google sheets based on it.

I did Gospel music, soul music, new wave, and alternative rock.

Here is the google sheets document that I made.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The super incredible (and weird) magic show!

Yesterday at Oruaiti school, we had this person in called Vas kovalski.
Anyways, he did lot's of cool and weird (I couldn't figure out how he did it) magic TRICKS. Yep, they were ONE HUNDRED PERCENT tricks. How do I know this? one trick went wrong. he was making a dice change colours and when he made the green one into red, I saw a blue dice underneath it.
He did have quite a few good tricks, but some of them did look fake. It was great. I loved it. He looks like this ----->

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tukutuku panels

In Kauri class at Oruaiti school, we are celebrating pet day by making Tukutuku panels. Here is the Tukutuku panel I was recreating:

   ----->       <-----

It's not done yet, but when I finish I will post it on this blog.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Painting Animal Masks

Painting animal masks

What We did today

Today at Kauri class at Oruaiti school we learned how to put a layer of paint onto our paper mache masks. We used paint brushes to make a solid layer around the outside, and then we used sponges to dab paint onto the inside of the face and the nose. When I finished my mask I decided to get a bit of black paint and put it on the top of the nose, because mine was a hedgehog. When we were finished with our masks, we put them outside to dry. But then it started to rain and the masks got a bit wet, But luckily we managed to get them inside before the rain got heavy.

What I used

Paintbrush, sponge, brown paint, creamy brown paint, black paint, golden brown paint, and dark brown paint.

My next steps

Don’t let the paints mix up.